Here is what I wish for you in the New Year.

I wish you love.

I wish you joy.

I wish you peace.

I wish you health.

I wish that you wake up every day knowing that this day is going to be better than yesterday, but filled with excitement that tomorrow will be even better.

I wish that you move with ease and without pain.

I wish that you have good food to eat and friends and family to share it with.

I wish you a warm bed, in a safe home that is a haven from the world outside.

I wish you the confidence to know that you can accomplish everything you set out to do.

I wish you the belief that you are strong and wise.

I wish you the ability to fall, and then get back up again even stronger and better able to handle the next time it happens.

I wish you the ability to shed tears for love, sadness, happiness and compassion.

I wish you the knowledge to recognize what is good in your life, and what is not, and the strength to let go of what no longer serves you.

I wish you the belief in knowing that you are brave, that you are courageous, and that you CAN do what scares you.

I wish that you are surrounded by people who love you, cherish you and most of all appreciate everything that you are and that you do.

As 2016 turns into 2017, my biggest wish for you is that you live each and every day to the best and fullest and that when you look back on the year, you can say that you did it just the way you wanted to with as little regrets as possible.

Much love,


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What I Wish for You in the New Year

Patricia Eales, RHN

Helping women age gracefully & live strong💪& healthy🥑50 & beyond! Patricia is a holistic nutritionist who encourages incorporating a natural, whole foods diet. Her education in natural nutrition, along with her own experiences dealing with emotional eating, stress, weight/fat loss, hormone imbalances and menopause issues, positions her to provide compassionate and comprehensive care to all of her clients.

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