Can you believe it is the first of December?
I don't know why I'm always surprised by a new month, and every year I say that I can't believe how quickly time has passed. Am I getting old? I'm pretty sure that my kids would say a big YES!
December has always been a great month for me. I always get excited looking ahead to the holiday season and spending time with friends and family.
It is a month of reflection for me as well. I look back on the year that has passed and give thanks for what I have been blessed with and have achieved, and it also a time to assess what challenges I faced and how I handled them.
Did you accomplish everything you wanted to this year? Are there things that you wish you had done but didn't get to?
Many people make resolutions on January 1st, but if you are wanting to change things, why not start now?
December is considered the month of wishes and dreams so what better time to start thinking about what you want for 2017?
I have taken some time over the past few weeks and have set personal and business goals for 2017. Instead of waiting for January 1st, I want to get things in place and ready to go for January 1st, so I am listing my goals here now.
Listing My Goals
Personally I want to be able to increase my physical strength and endurance. I turned 55 this year and I realized that I have lost some strength and flexibility, so I am going to set up a regimen to achieve those fitness goals. I will be looking for public accountability so I will be blogging about my goals and my journey starting January 1st.
The other goal that I am so excited about is the one I have set for my business. Because of what I experienced with my health, and meeting so many women who are needlessly going through the same experiences, I have set a goal to help 2017 women get healthier and hormonally happier in 2017. I am working on those plans and will be announcing them in the new year.
Helping 2017 Women in 2017
What goals and hopes do you have for 2017? I would love to hear them and be your accountability partner! Comment below and tell me what they are.
If you want a support and/or accountability group, be sure to head over to my private Facebook community. It's a closed group, so what you post there is only visible to the group and not on your friends Facebook feed, so you can feel comfortable in sharing. CLICK HERE TO JOIN!
I look forward to meeting you over in the group!
Til next time, here's to your good health!