As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, my goal is to help people Wholistically - body, mind and spirit. This means that when a client comes to see me, I don't just look at the symptoms of what ails them, but the cause. What this also means is that oftentimes for the first while that we are together, what they're eating isn't the thing we're talking about. We're mostly speaking about why they're eating the foods they're eating.
So when I was asked to read and review Zaheen Nanji's new book, Attract Your Ideal Weight, I hoped that I wasn't reading about yet another diet program.
Instead, what I read was a very well written and well researched study into the real reasons people gain and lose weight.
Zaheen describes the relationship people have with food and how experiences can change how we view food. She also discusses the link between our behavior and our patterns to eating as well.
I've always found that too many people get caught up in the latest fad diet and when that fails them, as inevitably it can and does, they move on to the next one, blaming the last diet for their failure, without ever trying to understand the true reason they aren't losing weight. I love that Zaheen speaks to the why of weight loss and throughout the book, she provides case studies while giving actionable steps to take to break free of old patterns and behaviors that are holding you back from achieving your ideal weight.
Zaheen breaks down the 8 secrets into 8 separate chapters, that cover the key points of attracting your ideal weight.
The chapters, or secrets, include topics such as behavior, positive intention and motivation.
One of the key points that Zaheen covered which I think most people will find beneficial is in the chapter on setting goals and breaking them down into manageable chunks. In my own experience, many people set such a big goal, that they are setting themselves up for failure even before they start. By breaking down the goals into small chunks, she speaks about how this sets you up for success instead.
Another interesting chapter discusses the WHY factor - why do you want to do this? When you set out the reasons for changing a habit, and live in alignment with those values, you are more likely to achieve your goal.
This is a very quick read, but is definitely a motivational book for those who are looking to discover how they can achieve their health and weight loss goals. It is something that isn't meant to be read once and then put away, but rather to be used as a regular guide to staying on track with your goals.
Zaheen Nanji has a degree in food sciences in nutrition, but she is also a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator This explains why she focuses mostly on how the mind and your thoughts can affect weight loss instead of speaking about how food affects our body. My recommendation would be that you also seek the services of a health professional such as a nutritionist or health and wellness coach to help you incorporate these actionable steps into any nutritional program you wish to start.
As a person who struggled with my weight for many years, trying so many different diets and fads, I am so thrilled to see a book that discusses how our thoughts affect our results (or lack thereof) It took me a number of years to discover this myself before I was able to achieve the weight loss that I desired. I am so glad that this book is now there for those who are struggling with the same thought patterns and behaviors that I was encountering over 10 years ago.
You can purchase the book through Amazon here Attract Your Ideal Weight: 8 Secrets of People Who Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Zaheen Nanji can be reached at and the Shanti Wellness Centre in Calgary, Alberta