I am so pleased to bring you a very informative post by Noemi Mate.  It will be especially helpful to those of you who are going through menopause or any other hormonal issues .  Noemi is a Pilates and Aviva instructor, weight loss nutritionist and future holistic nutritionist who helps women get fertile and assist with health advice during pregnancy and get back to shape if necessary.  


When it comes to treating a gynecological disease, doing exercises is among the last things that come to our mind. However, we should change that approach. Any kind of exercise can help because every workout has a positive effect on the level of the cortisol hormone, hence on other hormones, too. Yoga is a much more complex set of exercises, it can give greater results, but there's something even more effective: it's called Aviva method.  

The Aviva method is a sequel of exercises, a special, structured exercise technique that has a therapeutic effect on the reproductive system, however it does not only improves fertility but can cure several illnesses, like PCOS, PMS, fibroids or ease the menopausal symptoms. It may seem a bit "too good to be true", nothing can cure so many things. I agree with it, but these illnesses and symptoms have something in common - they all happen because of the imbalance of hormonal levels. During the workout we do intensive exercises, focusing on the pelvic, hip and the lower abdominal area, thus boosting the blood circulation in the reproductive organs which improves the production and transmission of hormones.


I'm always asked what is the most frequent problem that people come to me and I can't name just one. Infertility, fibroids and the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are the 'top' illnesses I meet. Other instructors may say that infertility and menopause are the most frequent reasons, but I'm in a special situation because of my personal experiences. I got to know the method because of my own health issues, I had a huge uterus fibroid that I didn't want to have operated if there's any other healing method. At the age of 25 I was told it can't be guaranteed to save my uterus during the operation. Luckily, I had a good gyn so we decided to postpone the operation while testing natural remedies together with frequent control examinations. I could avoid the operation and although in the 21th century it is fashionable to hide our weaknesses, I didn't do that so I often talk(ed) about my health problems, my failures in testing alternative methods but about my success, too. Maybe this is the reason that I have more clients with fibroids than other instructors. However, fibroids really not the most important issue, but infertility.


12091423_1198591373490182_9080711370742874749_oAviva can help with infertility through setting ideal hormonal levels (including progesterone, the most important "pregnancy hormone") thus stimulating ovulation. It may also help women over the peak of the fertile time to revitalise their reproductive system and enhance the chances of a pregnancy (the record age of getting pregnant has been 46 among my clients) It can restore hormonal imbalances (the most frequent problem is high oestrogen and low progesterone, but thyroid levels can also cause infertility or unpleasant side effects), which are not only a problem when wanting a baby, but the imbalances are what cause PMS, sometimes fibroids and cysts. Also, if you suffer from PCOS, the Aviva Method can work, not only when you want to get pregnant but it may help easing the symptoms (unpleasant acne and weight gain, excess body hair caused by hormonal imbalances). With the exercises, narrow or blocked fallopian tubes can be opened, which is a major success because high percentage of women tagged with "infertile" suffer from blocked fallopian tube and have to undergo minor operation to solve the problem. This is the most recurring "subject" of success-story e-mails that I receive. Listing all these illnesses may seem frightening and make you think that it is only for the ill but it's not true, even for totally healthy women, it is a huge help, it can strengthen the lining of the uterus to accommodate the fertilised egg. Our great teacher always drew an analogy with birds making the perfect, nice, warm nest before laying eggs. The method has a pile of advantages and the only disadvantages I can mention are that it can increase the libido and if you are without a partner, it can be a bit unpleasant. The other is that you really have to do it. Nobody can do the exercises, only you. It means work, but it is worth it, it can bring results soon. But don't worry, you only have to do the exercises twice a week and only for 30 minutes. Not that bad, I think 🙂

I don't say that The Aviva Method is a solution for everything, that it brings world peace or leads you to heaven, but it really can support the health of your reproductive system and ease unpleasant symptoms of many illnesses and menopause. Every kind of exercise is good for your overall health, cleverly chosen yoga and Pilates exercises (or any other exercises that I'm not educated in) can help but Aviva is a very concentrated solution for feminine health problems.

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Please check out Noemi's website or  facebook page  for more information. 








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A Natural Way to Treat Women’s Health & Reproductive Issues

Patricia Eales, RHN

Helping women age gracefully & live strong💪& healthy🥑50 & beyond! Patricia is a holistic nutritionist who encourages incorporating a natural, whole foods diet. Her education in natural nutrition, along with her own experiences dealing with emotional eating, stress, weight/fat loss, hormone imbalances and menopause issues, positions her to provide compassionate and comprehensive care to all of her clients.

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3 thoughts on “A Natural Way to Treat Women’s Health & Reproductive Issues

  1. Ah! I had no idea about your story. And I’ve definitely never heard of Aviva before. Congrats on the guest post and thanks for the fabulous information!

    1. Thanks 🙂 I think, I’m the typical example how a health coach’s road begins 🙂
      Unfortunately, the “marketing” of Aviva method is non-existent so many people don’t know about it, although many operations and medicine cures could be avoided by the help of the method. Not always, but with high percentage of women.

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